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YAML code block reference


There are so many options you can customize per page with YAML code block(Head YAML Code Block). This page is a detailed explanation for all the options you can use.
With this feature, you can control features page by page. If you don't want to control them page by page -in most cases-, setting them in the admin is a more easy-to-use and less cumbersome way.

Example code blocks with all keys available

adsense: false backgroundColor: "#123456" channeltalkId: false cleanUrl: "/your/clean-url" description: "The page description for SEO" disqus: false facebookCustomerChatId: false fontColor: "rgb(255,255,255)" fonts: defaultFont: "Roboto" headerFont: "Gothic A1" gotoTop: show: true fitToScreen: false align: "left" alignPixel: 0 bottom: 16 hideBreadcrumbs: false hideCollectionProperties: true hideCollectionSearch: true hideFooter: false hidePageLinkIndicator: true hideSearch: false overlay: false pagePassword: false pageviewType: "snow" scrollProgressBar: show: true color: "#123A45" showPageview: true showShareButton: false showThemeButton: true theme: "custom" title: "The page title for SEO"
You can only declare keys of your interest, of course.
When the page with the code block is rendered, the code block takes effects. In other words, you need to visit the web-page to make the code block work.

How to use

Syntax and meaning


Value: false
Disable adsense for the page.
Meaningless if Google Adsense is not activated.


Value should be double-quoted.
Change background color of the page with the value.
This option only works when value of theme is custom.


Value: your-plugin-key or false.
Check Channel Talk first.
Enable channel plugin with your-plugin-key or
Disable channel plugin with the value of false


Value: valid/clean-url
Create Clean URL for the page with the value.


Value: A description for the page between 50 and 160 characters in length.


Value: your-short-name or false
Check Disqus first.
Enable disqus with your-short-name or
Disable disqus with false


Value: your-facebook-chat-id or false
Enable facebook chat plugin with your-facebook-chat-id or
Disable facebook chat plugin with false


Value should be double-quoted
Change color of fonts of the page with the value.
This option only works when value of theme is custom.


Value: font name
Change font for the body with the value.
Value: font name
Change font for the header with the value.


The format of each value comes from Go-to-top button of https://app.oopy.io/styles page.
You can enable/disable go-to-top button for the page.


Value: true or false
Show/hide the navigation bar of the page.
Equivalent of Hide Top Navigator of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Show/hide the properties of the database item page.
Equivalent of Hide database properties in pages of https://app.oopy.io/styles/collections


Value: true or false
Show/hide the search section of a collection in the page.
Equivalent of Hide 'Search' on database of https://app.oopy.io/styles/collections


Value: true or false
Show/hide the Made with Oopy component at the bottom of the page.
Equivalent of Hide Oopy logo at the bottom of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Show/hide the arrow of
Link to the page
Link to the original database(in the linked database)
Disable link to the original database of the linked database
Equivalent of Hide linked database arrow icons of https://app.oopy.io/styles/collections


Value: true or false
Show/hide the Search component in the navigation bar.
Equivalent of Display search button of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: snow, maple, cherry, or false
Show/hide seasonal overlay of the page with the value.
Equivalent of Apply seasonal overlay of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: false
Setting password with code block is not allowed.


Value: default, round or stack
Change pageviewType of the page with the value.
If showPageview is disabled, this option does not work.
Equivalent of three types of Display Pageview Count of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Enable/disable progress bar of the page with the value.
Equivalent of Scroll progress bar of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Enable/disable pageview component of the page.
Equivalent of Display Pageview Count of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Enable/disable Share component in the navigation bar of the page.
Equivalent of Display share button of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: true or false
Enable/disable Theme switch component in the navigation bar of the page.
Equivalent of Theme selection button of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: light, dark or custom
Change the theme of the page with the value.
Equivalent of Colors of https://app.oopy.io/styles


Value: A title for the page less than 64 characters in length.

Value formats

Color format

RGB format: rgb(255, 255, 255)
HEX format: #123A56

Font name

"Gothic A1" is the name of font
